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SickTeleport system is the FIRST official Project ALPHA | SickScripts Asset. This was created custom for Project ALPHA and given approval to realase for you all to enjoy! This is a system similar to Rust. You can predefine set locations like 'SafeZones' Or 'Food Markets' And players can teleport to them if they are away. There is a section for Donators that can set 'HOME' Locations like bases or other MLOs to teleport to. Each teleport has a timer that doesn't allow teleporting to quickly to prevent abuse.
Can change the location of the Home but will overwrite already defined one. Can change the Name of the Home but will overwrite already defined name.
If you choose you can use the built in particle effects for donators. Only set donators can get the effects and only set guns will make them actually appear. Each particle can be set in the Config but be warned some particles are either to small or just wont simply show with the way we use them here. This is not a bug.
Some locations have come default in the Config. These can be changed/removed. Each timer is 60 seconds unless redefined in Config.