Config.Zones = {
['TrillianChemicalContainment'] = {
label = 'Trillian Chemical Containment',
blipCoords = vector3(695.58105, 135.68014, 83.877861),
BlipSpirte = 770,
BlipColor = 4,
BlipSize = 0.7,
BlipLabel = "Trillian Chemical Containment",
coords = {
[1]= {
UsePed = true, -- Do you want to use a ped?
coords = vector3(695.60876, 133.03575, 79.960525),
h = 191.94412,
size = vec3(3, 2, 3), -- size of the box zone
rotation = 90, -- Rotation of box zone
TargetLabel = 'Arms Dealer', -- easier to label for each faction
ped = 's_m_m_armoured_01',
menu = 'weapons' -- weapons, med, or food
[2]= {
UsePed = true, -- Do you want to use a ped?
coords = vector3(660.3627, 105.0548, 79.7542),
h = 348.7023,
size = vec3(3, 2, 3), -- size of the box zone
rotation = 90, -- Rotation of box zone
TargetLabel = 'Chef', -- easier to label for each faction
ped = 'CSB_Chef',
menu = 'food'
[3]= {
UsePed = true, -- Do you want to use a ped?
coords = vector3(723.7529, 151.4593, 79.7542),
h = 150.1906,
size = vec3(3, 2, 3), -- size of the box zone
rotation = 90, -- Rotation of box zone
TargetLabel = 'Dr. FeelGood', -- easier to label for each faction
ped = 'S_M_M_Doctor_01',
menu = 'med'
Weaponmenu = {
title = 'Weapon Pistol',
description = 'A new Pistol To kill the Zombies!',
icon = 'gun',
iconColor = 'red',
args = {
weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL',
price = 5000,
ammo = 'ammo-9', -- (or false if not giving ammo)
ammoAmount = 50,
shop = 'Trillian Chemical Containment',
onSelect = function(args)
TriggerServerEvent('SickTraders:trade', args)
metadata = {
{label = 'Price', value = '$5000'},
{label = 'Ammo', value = 'x50 Rounds'},
Foodmenu = {
title = 'Burger',
description = 'A Juicy Burger',
icon = 'gun',
iconColor = 'red',
args = {
food = 'burger',
price = 5,
amount = 1,
onSelect = function(args)
TriggerServerEvent('SickTraders:tradeFood', args)
metadata = {
{label = 'Price', value = '$5'},
Medmenu = {
title = 'Tylenol',
description = 'Won\'t do much againt the virus but will kill them pesky back aches',
icon = 'pill',
iconColor = 'red',
args = {
med = 'tylenol',
price = 500,
amount = 1,
onSelect = function(args)
TriggerServerEvent('SickTraders:Medtrade', args)
metadata = {
{label = 'Price', value = '$500'},