A new feature now will send a notification to the players in the city. It has a chance check first so it wont always send! Then it checks that the players job is NOT police and will send the notification! This will show minimal info but just enough to give a hint where the Dirty Cop is!
RegisterNetEvent('SickDirtyCops:NotifyCrimsOfLocation') -- New Event to notify players of Dirty cop location when it moves
AddEventHandler('SickDirtyCops:NotifyCrimsOfLocation', function(street)
local chance = math.random(0,100) -- chance for the notification to be sent
if chance < 15 then
local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers() -- get extended players
for _, xPlayer in pairs(xPlayers) do
if not xPlayer.getJob()[Config.PoliceJobName] then -- if players job is not a police job then send message
if not SentMessage then -- to prevent double messages
local NotifData = {
title = "Dirty Cop",
message = ("Aye I Just picked a new spot! This is to keep cops out of our business! But the new location? Street: %s"):format(street),
img= '/html/static/img/icons/messages.png',
duration = 7000,
exports["gksphone"]:SendNotification(xPlayer.source, NotifData) -- change to what ever you would like
SentMessage = true -- to prevent double messages
SentMessage = false -- to prevent double messages