Base ESX Config
Config = {}
Config.CodeAmount = 5000
Config.Framework = 'ESX' -- 'ESX' or 'QBCore'
Config.SickTrapHouses = false
Config.Price = 5 -- price for checking cops AND making inventory
Config.TruckPrice = 5000 -- price to check info on the truck heist
Config.RemoveItem = true
Config.Inventory = 'ox' -- mf,ox,qs
Config.Phone = 'gks' --y-phone or gks
Config.TruckAccount = 'cash' --cash for QBCore
Config.TruckUSB = 'greenusb' -- item for truck heist check (Open for you to change to what ever)
Config.TruckUSBLabel = 'Green USB' -- label for the usb so menu will read better
Config.PoliceJobName = {
Config.NotificationType = { --['okokNotify' / 'mythic' / 'ox' / 'chat' / 'custom' ]
client = 'ox',
server = 'ox'
Config.CashAccount = 'money' --cash for QBCore
Config.GreenDongle = 'greendongle' -- item needed to open the Menu
Config.GreenDongleLabel = 'greendongle' -- Now it will show label instead of item
Config.InventoryOptions = {
inventoryType = "inventory",
inventorySubType = "housing",
inventoryLabel = "drop_box",
maxWeight = 100.0,
maxSlots = 10,
OxLabel = "Drop Box"
Config.Peds = {
[1] = {
Name = "Zeus Almighty",
TargetName = 'illegal_shop1',
SpawnName = 'IG_RoccoPelosi',
OpenTime = 0, -- Open Time
CloseTime = 24, -- Close Time
Config.Locations = { -- NEW option for random locations!
[1] = {
coords = vector3(-1042.5310, -828.3828, 9.8815),
h = 127.6541,
[2] = {
coords = vector3(-1033.1675, -836.6893, 9.8819),
h = 141.4699,
Config.TruckInfo = {
TruckPrice = 5000,
TruckLocation = vector3(569.46, -3127.42, 18.77)
Config.RobberyList = {
[1] = {
Header = "Fleeca Banks",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-bank',
minCops = 3,
bank = true,
[2] = {
Header = "Store robbery",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-store',
minCops = 2,
bank = false, -- some just need to be here to help script function without error
[3] = {
Header = "Pacific Bank",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-bank',
minCops = 5,
bank = true,
[4] = {
Header = "House Robbery",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-house',
minCops = 1,
bank = false, -- some just need to be here to help script function without error
[5] = {
Header = "Truck Heist",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-truck',
minCops = 2,
bank = false,
Config.SellShops = {
item = 'emerald',
label = 'Emerald',
price = math.random(100,175),
currency = 'money'
}, -- item = string, label = string, price = number, currency = string
item = 'diamond',
label = 'Diamond',
price = math.random(400,800),
currency = 'money'
Config.BuyShop = {
item = 'thermite',
label = 'Thermite',
price = 10,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
}, -- item = string, label = string, price = number, currency = string
item = 'c4',
label = 'C4',
price = 20,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
item = 'hacking_laptop',
label = 'Hacking Laptop',
price = 16,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
item = 'transponder',
label = 'Transponder',
price = 25,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
Base QBCore Config
Config = {}
Config.CodeAmount = 5000
Config.Framework = 'QBCore' -- this is auto caught on server side when script starts. will auto set this for what ever core it finds
Config.MenuType = 'ox_libs' -- ox or zf
Config.SickTrapHouses = false
Config.Price = 5 -- price for checking cops AND making inventory
Config.TruckPrice = 5000 -- price to check info on the truck heist
Config.RemoveItem = true
Config.Inventory = 'ox' -- mf,ox,qs
Config.Phone = 'y-phone' -- 'gks' or 'y-phone'
Config.Target = 'ox_target'
Config.TruckAccount = 'cash'
Config.TruckUSB = 'greenusb'
Config.TruckUSBLabel = 'Green USB'
Config.PoliceJobName = {
Config.NotificationType = { --['okokNotify' / 'mythic' / 'ox' / 'chat' / 'custom' ]
client = 'ox',
server = 'ox'
Config.CashAccount = 'cash'
Config.GreenDongle = 'greendongle' -- item needed to open the Menu
Config.GreenDongleLabel = 'greendongle' -- Now it will show label instead of item
Config.InventoryOptions = {
inventoryType = "inventory",
inventorySubType = "housing",
inventoryLabel = "drop_box",
maxWeight = 100.0,
maxSlots = 10,
OxLabel = "Drop Box"
Config.Peds = {
[1] = {
Name = "Zeus Almighty",
TargetName = 'illegal_shop1',
SpawnName = 'IG_RoccoPelosi',
OpenTime = 0, -- Open Time
CloseTime = 24, -- Close Time
Config.Locations = { -- NEW option for random locations!
[1] = {
coords = vector3(-1042.5310, -828.3828, 9.8815),
h = 127.6541,
[2] = {
coords = vector3(-1033.1675, -836.6893, 9.8819),
h = 141.4699,
Config.TruckInfo = {
TruckPrice = 5000,
TruckLocation = vector3(569.46, -3127.42, 18.77)
Config.RobberyList = {
[1] = {
Header = "Fleeca Banks",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-bank',
minCops = 3,
bank = true,
[2] = {
Header = "Store robbery",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-store',
minCops = 2,
bank = false, -- some just need to be here to help script function without error
[3] = {
Header = "Pacific Bank",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-bank',
minCops = 5,
bank = true,
[4] = {
Header = "House Robbery",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-house',
minCops = 1,
bank = false, -- some just need to be here to help script function without error
[5] = {
Header = "Truck Heist",
icon = 'fa-solid fa-truck',
minCops = 2,
bank = false,
Config.SellShops = {
item = 'emerald',
label = 'Emerald',
price = math.random(100,175),
currency = 'money'
}, -- item = string, label = string, price = number, currency = string
item = 'diamond',
label = 'Diamond',
price = math.random(400,800),
currency = 'money'
Config.BuyShop = {
item = 'thermite',
label = 'Thermite',
price = 10,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
}, -- item = string, label = string, price = number, currency = string
item = 'c4',
label = 'C4',
price = 20,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
item = 'hacking_laptop',
label = 'Hacking Laptop',
price = 16,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
item = 'transponder',
label = 'Transponder',
price = 25,
currency = 'money',
maxAmount = 10
function Cnotify(noty_type, message)
if noty_type and message then
if Config.NotificationType.client == 'esx' then
elseif Config.NotificationType.client == 'okokNotify' then
if noty_type == 1 then
exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Dongle", message, 10000, 'success')
elseif noty_type == 2 then
exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Dongle", message, 10000, 'info')
elseif noty_type == 3 then
exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Dongle", message, 10000, 'error')
elseif Config.NotificationType.client == 'mythic' then
if noty_type == 1 then
exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert('success', message, { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' })
elseif noty_type == 2 then
exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert('inform', message, { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' })
elseif noty_type == 3 then
exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert('error', message, { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' })
elseif Config.NotificationType.client == 'chat' then
TriggerEvent('chatMessage', message)
elseif Config.NotificationType.client == 'other' then
--add your own notification.
function Snotify(source, noty_type, message) -- Not Needed as is but maybe future update
if source and noty_type and message then
if Config.NotificationType.server == 'esx' then
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
elseif Config.NotificationType.server == 'okokNotify' then
if noty_type == 1 then
TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, 'Dongle', message, 10000, 'success')
elseif noty_type == 2 then
TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, 'Dongle', message, 10000, 'info')
elseif noty_type == 3 then
TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, 'Dongle', message, 10000, 'error')
elseif Config.NotificationType.server == 'mythic' then
if noty_type == 1 then
TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source, { type = 'success', text = message, style = { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' } })
elseif noty_type == 2 then
TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source, { type = 'inform', text = message, style = { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' } })
elseif noty_type == 3 then
TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source, { type = 'error', text = message, style = { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' } })
elseif Config.NotificationType.server == 'other' then
--add your own notification.
These Events can be triggered to set the Robbery Status of Banks that will show in the menu letting Players know if the bank is ready to be robbed or not!
TriggerClientEvent('dongle:UpdateRobberyChecks', source, BOOLEN) --BOOLEN = (true or false)
TriggerEvent('dongle:UpdateRobberyChecks', BOOLEN) --BOOLEN = (true or false)